kit chain

short: kit c

kit chain starts a local fakechain with foundry's anvil, e.g.,

kit chain

The default port is 8545 and the chain ID is 31337.


kit chain starts an anvil node with the arguments --load-state kinostate.json. This json file includes the KNS & app_store contracts, and is included in the kit binary.

The kinostate.json file can be found written into /tmp/kinode-kit-cache/kinostate-{hash}.json upon running the command.

Note that while the kns_indexer and app_store apps in fake nodes use this chain to index events, any events loaded from a json statefile, aren't replayed upon restarting anvil.


$ kit c --help
Start a local chain for development

Usage: kit chain [OPTIONS]

  -p, --port <PORT>  Port to run the chain on [default: 8545]
  -v, --verbose      If set, output stdout and stderr
  -h, --help         Print help


Port to run anvil fakechain on. Defaults to 8545.


short: -v

Always output stdout and stderr if set.

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