Environment Setup

In this section, you'll walk through setting up a Kinode development environment. By the end, you will have created a Kinode application, or package, composed of one or more processes that run on a live Kinode. The application will be a simple chat interface: my_chat_app.

The following assumes a Unix environment — macOS or Linux. If on Windows, get WSL first. In general, Kinode OS does not support Windows.

Acquiring Rust and the Kinode Development Tools (kit)

Install Rust and the Kinode Development Tools, or kit:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
cargo install --git https://github.com/kinode-dao/kit --locked

Creating a New Kinode Package Template

The kit toolkit has a variety of features. One of those tools is new, which creates a template for a Kinode package. The new tool takes two arguments: a path to create the template directory and a name for the package:

$ kit new --help
Create a Kinode template package

Usage: kit new [OPTIONS] <DIR>

  <DIR>  Path to create template directory at

  -a, --package <PACKAGE>      Name of the package [default: DIR]
  -u, --publisher <PUBLISHER>  Name of the publisher [default: template.os]
  -l, --language <LANGUAGE>    Programming language of the template [default: rust] [possible values: rust, python, javascript]
  -t, --template <TEMPLATE>    Template to create [default: chat] [possible values: chat, echo, fibonacci, file_transfer]
      --ui                     If set, use the template with UI
  -h, --help                   Print help

Create a package my_chat_app:

kit new my_chat_app

Exploring the Package

Kinode packages are sets of one or more Kinode processes. A Kinode package is represented in Unix as a directory that has a pkg/ directory within. Each process within the package is its own directory. By default, the kit new command creates a simple, one-process package, a chat app. Other templates, including a Python template and a UI-enabled template can be used by passing different flags to kit new. The default template looks like:

$ tree my_chat_app
├── api
│   └── my_chat_app:template.os-v0.wit
├── Cargo.toml
├── metadata.json
├── my_chat_app
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│       └── lib.rs
├── pkg
│   ├── manifest.json
│   └── scripts.json
├── send
│   ├── Cargo.toml
│   └── src
│       └── lib.rs
└── test
    ├── my_chat_app_test
    │   ├── api
    │   │   ├── my_chat_app:template.os-v0.wit
    │   │   ├── my_chat_app_test:template.os-v0.wit
    │   │   └── tester:sys-v0.wit
    │   ├── Cargo.toml
    │   ├── metadata.json
    │   ├── my_chat_app_test
    │   │   ├── Cargo.toml
    │   │   └── src
    │   │       ├── lib.rs
    │   │       └── tester_lib.rs
    │   └── pkg
    │       └── manifest.json
    └── tests.toml

The my_chat_app/ package here contains two processes:

  • my_chat_app/ — containing the main application code, and
  • send/ — containing a script.

Rust process directories, like the ones here, contain:

  • src/ — source files where the code for the process lives, and
  • Cargo.toml — the standard Rust file specifying dependencies, etc., for that process.

Another standard Rust Cargo.toml file, a virtual manifest is also included in my_chat_app/ root.

Also within the package directory is a pkg/ directory. The pkg/ dirctory contains two files:

  • manifest.json — required: specifes information the Kinode needs to run the package, and
  • scripts.json — optional: specifies details needed to run scripts.

The pkg/ directory is also where .wasm binaries will be deposited by kit build. The files in the pkg/ directory are injected into the Kinode with kit start-package.

The metadata.json is a required file that contains app metadata which is used in the Kinode App Store

The api/ directory contains the WIT API for the my_chat_app package, see more discussion below.

Lastly, the test/ directory contains tests for the my_chat_app package. The tests.toml file specifies the configuration of the tests. The my_chat_app_test/ direcotry is itself a package: the test for my_chat_app. For more discussion of tests see kit run-tests, or see usage, below.

Though not included in this template, packages with a frontend have a ui/ directory as well. For an example, look at the result of:

kit new my_chat_app_with_ui --ui
tree my_chat_app_with_ui

Note that not all templates have a UI-enabled version. More details about templates can be found here.


The manifest.json file contains information the Kinode needs in order to run the package:

$ cat my_chat_app/pkg/manifest.json
        "process_name": "my_chat_app",
        "process_wasm_path": "/my_chat_app.wasm",
        "on_exit": "Restart",
        "request_networking": true,
        "request_capabilities": [
        "grant_capabilities": [],
        "public": true

This is a JSON array of JSON objects. Each object represents one process that will be started when the package is installed. A package with multiple processes need not start them all at install time. A package may start more than one of the same process, as long as they each have a unique process_name.

Each object requires the following fields:

KeyValue TypeDescription
"process_name"StringThe name of the process
"process_wasm_path"StringThe path to the process
"on_exit"String ("None" or "Restart") or Object (covered elsewhere)What to do in case the process exits
"request_networking"BooleanWhether to ask for networking capabilities from kernel
"request_capabilities"Array of Strings or ObjectsStrings are ProcessIds to request messaging capabilties from; Objects have a "process" field (ProcessId to request from) and a "params" field (capability to request)
"grant_capabilities"Array of Strings or ObjectsStrings are ProcessIds to grant messaging capabilties to; Objects have a "process" field (ProcessId to grant to) and a "params" field (capability to grant)
"public"BooleanWhether to allow any process to message us


The metadata.json file contains ERC721 compatible metadata about the package. The only required fields are package_name, current_version, and publisher, which are filled in with default values:

$ cat my_chat_app/metadata.json
    "name": "my_chat_app",
    "description": "",
    "image": "",
    "properties": {
        "package_name": "my_chat_app",
        "current_version": "0.1.0",
        "publisher": "template.os",
        "mirrors": [],
        "code_hashes": {
            "0.1.0": ""
        "wit_version": 0,
        "dependencies": []
    "external_url": "",
    "animation_url": ""

Here, the publisher is the default value ("template.os"), but for a real package, this field should contain the KNS ID of the publishing node. The publisher can also be set with a kit new --publisher flag. The wit_version is an optional field. If elided, the package will use kinode.wit 0.7.0. If included with a value of 0, it will use kinode.wit 0.8.0. The dependencies field is also optional; see discussion in WIT APIs. The rest of these fields are not required for development, but become important when publishing a package with the app_store.

As an aside: each process has a unique ProcessId, used to address messages to that process, that looks like


You can read more about ProcessIds here.


The api/ directory is an optional directory where packages can declare their public API. Other packages can then mark a package as a dependency in their metadata.json and

For further reading, see discussion in WIT APIs, and kit view-api.

Building the Package

To build the package, use the kit build tool.

This tool accepts an optional directory path as the first argument, or, if none is provided, attempts to build the current working directory. As such, either of the following will work:

kit build my_chat_app


cd my_chat_app
kit build

Booting a Fake Kinode

Often, it is optimal to develop on a fake node. Fake nodes are simple to set up, easy to restart if broken, and mocked networking makes development testing very straightforward. To boot a fake Kinode for development purposes, use the kit boot-fake-node tool.

kit boot-fake-node downloads the OS- and architecture-appropriate Kinode core binary and runs it without connecting to the live network. Instead, it connects to a mocked local network, allowing different fake nodes on the same machine to communicate with each other. kit boot-fake-node has many optional configuration flags, but the defaults should work fine:

kit boot-fake-node

The fake node, just like a real node, will accept inputs from the terminal. To exit from the fake node, press Ctrl + C.

By default, the fake node will bind to port 8080. Note the port number in the output for later; it will look something like:

Fri 12/8 15:43 http_server: running on port 8080

kit boot-fake-node also accepts a --runtime-path argument. When supplied, if it is a path to the Kinode core repo, it will compile and use that binary to start the node. Or, if it is a path to a Kinode binary, it will use that binary to start the node. For example:

kit boot-fake-node --runtime-path ~/path/to/kinode

where ~/path/to/kinode must be replaced with a path to the Kinode core repo.

Note that your node will be named fake.dev, as opposed to fake.os. The .dev suffix is used for development nodes.

Optional: Starting a Real Kinode

Alternatively, development sometimes calls for a real node, which has access to the actual Kinode network and its providers.

To develop on a real Kinode, connect to the network and follow the instructions to setup a Kinode.

Starting the Package

Now it is time to load and initiate the my_chat_app package. For this, you will use the kit start-package tool. Like kit build, the kit start-package tool takes an optional directory argument — the package — defaulting to the current working directory. It also accepts a URL: the address of the node on which to initiate the package. The node's URL can be input in one of two ways:

  1. If running on localhost, the port can be supplied with -p or --port,
  2. More generally, the node's entire URL can be supplied with a -u or --url flag.

If neither the --port nor the --url is given, kit start-package defaults to http://localhost:8080.

You can start the package from either within or outside my_chat_app directory. After completing the previous step, you should be one directory above the my_chat_app directory and can use the following:

kit start-package my_chat_app -p 8080

or, if you are already in the correct package directory:

kit start-package -p 8080

where here the port provided following -p must match the port bound by the node or fake node (see discussion above).

The node's terminal should display something like

Fri 12/8 15:54 my_chat_app: begin

Congratulations: you've now built and installed your first application on Kinode!

Using the Package

To test out the functionality of my_chat_app, spin up another fake node to chat with in a new terminal:

kit boot-fake-node -o /tmp/kinode-fake-node-2 -p 8081 -f fake2.dev

The fake nodes communicate over a mocked local network.

To start the same my_chat_app on the second fake node, again note the port, and supply it with a start-package:

kit start-package my_chat_app -p 8081

or, if already in the my_chat_app/ package directory:

kit start-package -p 8081

To send a chat message from the first node, run the following in its terminal:

m our@my_chat_app:my_chat_app:template.os '{"Send": {"target": "fake2.dev", "message": "hello world"}}'

and replying, from the other terminal:

m our@my_chat_app:my_chat_app:template.os '{"Send": {"target": "fake.dev", "message": "wow, it works!"}}'

Messages can also be injected from the outside. From a bash terminal, use kit inject-message, like so:

kit inject-message my_chat_app:my_chat_app:template.os '{"Send": {"target": "fake2.dev", "message": "hello from the outside world"}}'
kit inject-message my_chat_app:my_chat_app:template.os '{"Send": {"target": "fake.dev", "message": "replying from fake2.dev using first method..."}}' --node fake2.dev
kit inject-message my_chat_app:my_chat_app:template.os '{"Send": {"target": "fake.dev", "message": "and second!"}}' -p 8081

Testing the Package

To run the my_chat_app/ tests, close all fake nodes and then run

kit run-tests my_chat_app

or, if already in the my_chat_app/ package directory:

kit run-tests

For more details, see kit run-tests.

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